Strike Info for CUASA Members

March 24, 2023

Strike Info for CUASA Members

We are now 48 hours from the start of a possible strike by members of CUPE 4600. Both of 4600’s units, representing Teaching Assistants/Research Assistants and Contract Instructors, continue to seek a fair deal from the University. CUPE 4600 members voted overwhelmingly against the Employer’s latest offer at a special membership meeting earlier today.

While we won’t know until later in the weekend if a strike will happen, CUASA members understandably have questions about what to do in the event of a strike. Accordingly, we have prepared a document to provide some information that will be useful for CUASA members in the event of a strike by CUPE 4600 members.

Members can also read the Association’s Policy and Advice Statement With Respect to Strikes By Members of Another Bargaining Unit. Note, some of the information in the policy and advice statement is also included the document linked above.

Should you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We thank all CUASA members in supporting our CUPE 4600 colleagues.

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