The Communiqué: An Open Letter in Support of Closing the Gender Pay Gap

May 17, 2018

An Open Letter in Support of Closing the Gender Pay Gap

An open letter from faculty at Carleton is being shared in support of closing the gender pay gap for professors and instructors:

Dear CUASA Council,

We are dismayed to learn that women faculty at Carleton University earn significantly less than their male counterparts, after accounting for confounding variables (e.g., Arts: $2,837; Engineering: $6,720; Public Affairs: $3,854; Science: $5,828; Instructors: $5,580). Apparently the administration is aware of this inequity and have refused to take steps to fix it, despite the fact that the university is currently in an exceptionally strong financial position. Several other universities in Canada, for example McMaster, Simon Fraser, and the University of British Columbia, have already corrected similar gender biases in remuneration using the same labour economic methodology as outlined in the attached documentation.

We urge CUASA Council and the CUASA collective bargaining team to make the issue of salary inequity a top priority in the current contract negotiations.

The full letter, which currently has over 60 signatures, can be found here. CUASA members in support of this fight are encouraged to add their name.

The administration has completely rejected CUASA’s bargaining table proposal to fix the pay equity problem.

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