The Communiqué: Bargaining Update – Obstacles and Overview
February 12, 2018
CUASA Steering Committee
Root Gorelick, Biology
Vice President
Melissa Haussman, Political Science
Pum van Veldhoven, Sociology
Doron Nussbaum, Computer Science
Chair, Collective Bargaining
Chantal Dion, French
Chair, External
Chair, Grievance
Pum van Veldhoven, Sociology
Salary and Benefits Officer
Greg Franks, Sys. and Comp.
Chair, Internal Affairs
Communications Officer
Kirsten Kozolanka, Journalism and Communication
Chair, Equity
Chair, Nominations and
Instructor Representative
Iain McKinnell, Biology
Librarian Representative
Kristof Avramsson
CUASA Office Staff
Grievance and Arbitration
Christal Côté
Office Manager
Deborah Jackson
Member Services and Communications Officer
Victor Lorentz
Grievance & Arbitration Services Support Assistant
Lorne Berndt
Collective Bargaining Services Support Assistant
Chi Cheng Wat
In this issue:
Bargaining Open House and Update – Wednesday, November 22
On February 7th, CUASA held a bargaining-focused GMM featuring a presentation of key issues, gains, and obstacles moving forward by the Chief Negotiator, Chantal Dion. You can view the PowerPoint presentation here.
There are various items of contention still between the parties, which the Carleton administration has so far refused to address. CUASA is committed to fighting for and achieving progress on these issues, all of which have been identified as priorities for members in this round. See the chart below.
CUASA Proposal |
Last Administration Response |
Instructor Workload
Only allow increments of 1.0 and 0.5 in the calculation of workload credits. This is the workload that Instructors were always supposed to have. After the ratification of the 2014-2017 collective agreement, at 0.4 workload credit value was introduced into the calculation, doing an end run around what the parties had agreed to in conciliation. This left Instructors where they are today: with a 3.5 credit teaching load (average across two years). CUASA simply wants to correct this loophole that the administration has exploited. There would be no change for those Instructors who already teach a 3.0 course load. |
Bargaining Unit Composition
That anyone teaching 2.0 credits across the Fall and Winter terms, or 2.5 credits in an academic year be included in the CUASA bargaining unit. This is a full-time teaching load, and CUASA is the union representing full-time academic staff. |
Teaching Assistance
That each unit have a written process for assigning teaching assistants (TAs) that is fair and equitable. That a TA be automatically assigned to any course with more than 50 students. That foreign/second language courses have their enrolment capped for pedagogical reasons. TA help is not evenly distributed across the University. Many other faculty associations have clauses setting minimum thresholds for TA support. |
“Student Evaluations”
That student evaluations cannot be the sole measure of teaching effectiveness. Scores associated with racist, sexist, or any unprofessional commentary be removed from any instructor’s teaching evaluation course data. Evaluations with these characteristics are clearly not a professional assessment of members’ work. |
Maternity and Parental Leave
That the maternity and parental leave benefit at Carleton be expanded to encompass the extended 18-month leave option recently implemented in the federal EI regulations, making it a real option for members. |
CUOL and Digital Courses
CUOL and other forms of digital course delivery that are not primarily ‘in-class’ be treated evenly across the university. That compensation and workload calculations follow the CUTV model, and that materials such as software, hosting fees, web space, etc., which are necessary for the course be provided by the Employer and not through member PER accounts. |
Unit Standards
That the unit standards approval, review, and renewal process respect the expertise and autonomy of units to decide on their own standards. |
Tenure and Promotion
That application for external funding remain in the criteria for tenure and promotion. |
Despite these obstacles, your negotiating team has achieved a lot! Stay tuned for further updates over the coming weeks.
But we need your support to overcome the administration’s recalcitrance in discussing solutions to issues affecting CUASA members! All members should have received buttons and information sheets in their campus mail. Wear RED on bargaining days, and display your CUASA swag everywhere.
If one has not been scheduled yet, talk to your Council representative about organizing an information session in your unit.
Please consider sitting at the bargaining table with the team as an observer. We fought for the right for rank-and-file members to have direct access to the negotiation process. Any member interested in sitting in on a bargaining meeting should contact [email protected].
Watch for other upcoming CUASA events and updates.
A member left behind some personal items at the GMM. These are available at the CUASA office.
Carleton University Academic Staff Association
2006 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6
Phone: 613-520-5607
Fax: 613-520-4426
Email: [email protected]
February 12, 2018
Copyright © 2015 Carleton University Academic Staff Association. All rights reserved.
Produced by members of Unifor Local 567.