The Communiqué – December 1, 2018

December 1, 2018

A wreath laid by CUASA Vice-President Doron Nussbaum on behalf of CUASA members at the Carleton Remembrance Ceremony on November 12, 2018.

In this issue:




Instructors Workload Update


CUASA and Carleton representatives have moved to written submissions to Mediator Kaplan on the Minutes of Settlement interpretation affecting Instructor workload calculations. CUASA argues the new workload calculations should be retroactive to May 1, 2017, the start of the new Collective Agreement, while Carleton argues the calculations only came into effect upon ratification on June 18, 2018.

We will be holding an Instructors’ Town Hall on Monday, December 17 from 4:00-5:30pm in C264 Loeb Building to provide an update on the situation. All Instructors are encouraged to attend.

The signing of the new Collective Agreement has been postponed until this issue is rectified.

Please note that the unsigned collective agreement will not be made available on the website until the signing process is completed. If members have questions, or need a copy, please contact Member Services and Communications Officer Josh Horton at [email protected].


Member Engagement Survey

We are launching a new Member Engagement Survey to learn more about the needs and preferences of our members across the university. It should take you 5-8 minutes to complete. Please click here to access the survey. We ask that you fill it out no later than December 31. Thank you for your help in this!


Computer Funds for Faculty

With January soon approaching, the first round of funds for computer replacements will soon begin. Each CUASA employee will be eligible for $1,500 toward the cost of a new laptop or desktop computer of their choice, with one-quarter of CUASA members being reimbursed per year. To be eligible for replacement, your existing computer must be at least four years old. Reimbursement decisions will be made by your Dean or the University Librarian, in consultation with Chairs, Directors and Department Heads.


Prohibition of First Year Students from Taking Online Courses

CUASA has learned that the University intends to prohibit incoming first year students from taking first year courses online. Students will instead be asked to take their first year courses in a classroom. CUASA encourages any members affected to inquire with their Chairs if their departments intend to implement this. CUASA would also appreciate direct feedback from its members on this topic, which you can send to [email protected].


Openings for Volunteers


CUASA has openings for a number of critical positions on Council, Steering, as well a number of other key committees. Our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. The Collective Agreement recognizes CUASA work as Service in members’ annual reviews. We having openings for the following:


CUASA Office Closure

Please note the CUASA Office will be closed from December 22 through January 1 inclusive. No services will be provided during this time. The office will reopen on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.


Solidarity with CUPE 910

CUASA wishes to express solidarity with members of CUPE 910, representing Operational and Maintenance employees in Facilities Management and Planning, who will be meeting with the Employer in conciliation sessions on December 4 and 6.


In the News

Ontario Government’s Fall Economic Statement

On November 15, the Ontario government released its Fall Economic Statement. Also known as the mini-budget, it offers insight into the government’s plans. OCUFA has prepared a summary of the most relevant announcements for the postsecondary sector, including an immediate suspension of all pending broader public sector executive compensation increases, an announcement of new pension implementations, and a further clarification of the free speech directive. You can read OCUFA’s summary here. The statement also included the government’s announcement that it is cutting promised funding for a francophone university.

OCUFA Advocacy Day

On November 13, CUASA President Root Gorelick joined faculty from across the province for OCUFA’s Advocacy Day at Queen’s Park. The event introduced new MPPs to faculty priorities, including public funding for postsecondary education and fairness for contract faculty. You can read more from OCUFA here. You can read President Gorelick’s report here.


Coming Events – Mark Your Calendars!


      • Instructors’ Town Hall Meeting, December 17, 4-5:30pm, C264 Loeb Building
      • CUASA Council Meeting, December 19, 1-3pm, 2017 Dunton Tower
      • General Membership Meeting, date, time and location to be announced



CUASA Communiqué, December 2018

The Communiqué is published by the Carleton University Academic Staff Association (CUASA), 2003 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Canada, K1S 5B6. Past issues are archived on the CUASA Web site at The Communiqué publishes CUASA-related news and information for our Members and provides Members with a forum to express their CUASA-related ideas and opinions. We want to hear from you! Please send your CUASA-related story ideas, news items, opinion pieces, letters, photographs, and other submissions to the CUASA Office at [email protected].

You can find CUASA’s Accessible Customer Service Policy here.

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