The CUASA Weekly: CUASA General Membership Meeting – CUASA at the table

February 6, 2018

CUASA General Membership Meeting

A GMM will be held on Wednesday, February 7th. All members are invited and encouraged to attend this important meeting. The meeting will be bargaining-focused and will feature updates, discussion, and debate on contract negotiations.

When: Wednesday, February 7th from 1:00 – 3:00pm
Where: The Senate Room (RO 608)

Light refreshments will be served.

CUASA at the table

Your negotiation team has already met twice with the administration in February. The sides have traded counter-proposals several times on tenure, promotion, and unit standards articles. CUASA continues to insist on a ‘dual-track’ process, fair evaluation criteria for tenure and promotion, and a collegial process respecting the expertise and autonomy of individual units in deciding on their own standards.

The parties have agreed on a revised grievance process that should ensure members complaints are dealt with efficiently and productively. You can read it here.

CUASA is working hard to achieve a fair contract, but the ball is in the administration’s court for the vast majority of proposals. Your negotiating team is eagerly awaiting responses from the Employer on a large volume of items. These include a variety of workload issues (notably the Instructor workload calculation, administrative duties, and teaching assistance), digital course formats, bargaining unit composition, maternity and parental leave, and teaching evaluations.

Please attend the GMM on Wednesday afternoon for a comprehensive update!

The next meeting between CUASA and the administration will be on Friday, February 9th from 9:00am – 12:00noon

View the CUASA calendar here.

Interested in seeing the bargaining process in action? The observer seat is a fantastic opportunity to learn about your contract and to support negotiations. All members are invited to email [email protected] for details.

We need your support! Show Carleton University you support your negotiations team by wearing or displaying your NEW CUASA button and wearing RED on Thursday! Join the campaign by using  #Fairness4Faculty #Fairness4Librarians #StandWithFaculty in your social media.

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