The CUASA Weekly: Welcome Back – CUPE 2424 Info Picket – Reminders

January 8, 2018

Welcome Back!

We hope the holiday season was restful and wish you all the best for the winter term.

CUPE 2424 Info Picket – January 9th

On Tuesday, January 9th members of CUPE 2424 will hold an information picket from 7:30-9:00am at both the Bronson and Colonel By entrances in support of their own bargaining. Members of CUASA’s Steering Committee will be in attendance, and all CUASA members are strongly encouraged to join in and show your support. Please remember to dress warm! CUPE 2424 has been bargaining with the administration since the spring and is currently in conciliation.

Reminder: Bargaining Observer Seat

There is an observer seat open at each negotiation meeting between CUASA and the administration. All members interested in sitting in on a bargaining session between CUASA and the administration are invited to email [email protected] for details. There are upcoming bargaining meetings on:

  • Friday, January 12 : 9 am to 5 pm
  • Thursday, January 18 : 1 pm to 5 pm
  • Thursday, January 25 : 1 pm to 5 pm
  • Thursday, February 1: 1 pm to 5 pm
  • Saturday, February 3: 9 am to 5 pm

Reminder: Member Contact Form

In the event Carleton University no longer permits CUASA to use its email system, we will need each member’s personal contact information. If you haven’t done so already, please fill out our contact preference form by clicking here.

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