Weekly Update – April 30

April 30, 2021

Weekly Update – April 30


Update on Discussions re. Collective Bargaining

Today marks the expiration of the 2017-2021 collective agreement. As we mentioned in our update on Tuesday, the University has invited CUASA to hold a type of pre-bargaining form of negotiations.

As Chief Negotiator Chantal Dion reported at the April General Meeting this afternoon, your Negotiating Team requested and received a mandate from CUASA Council to proceed with these pre-bargaining discussions with the University, in the hopes of expediting this round of collective bargaining. Should those discussions fail, the Negotiating Team will be prepared to proceed with regular bargaining to address the key priorities we’ve identified that must be addressed this round.

Your Negotiating Team has met twice this week already and are planning to meet again tomorrow (and Sunday, if necessary). As always, updates will be shared with the membership as they become available.

Members should be aware that any type of pre-bargaining discussions are still subject to ratification by the membership to form the next collective agreement.


CUASA Business

CUASA April General Meeting

We wish to extend a sincere thank you to all those who attended the April General Meeting this afternoon. We had a great turnout and lots of engagement and discussion from those in attendance, including a presentation from Chief Negotiator Chantal Dion, and the passing of the budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.


Nominations for Steering Positions

The following Steering positions are either currently vacant, or will be up for re-election this year for terms beginning on July 1, 2021 (click on the title to see position description):

Nominations are due to the virtual CUASA Office by Friday, May 14, at 12:00pm. Elections will be held at the May Council meeting on Thursday, May 27. If you are interested in one of these positions, or wish to nominate a colleague, please contact us for a nomination form at [email protected].

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. Some of these positions come with a course release subject to the availability of funds (please ask if interested).


Academic Community Updates

CUASA and CAUT call for resignations of those responsible for Laurentian crisis

The Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities, Ross Romano, along with five senior administrators from Laurentian University should resign for their roles in creating the financial crisis that has devastated this northern Ontario university, says CAUT Council.

CUASA’s External Relations Officer, Raj Singh, has also written to the Laurentian University Board of Governors on behalf of CUASA to express solidarity with the students, faculty, staff, and broader Laurentian community. In his letter, Raj echoes LUFA’s call that those responsible for this crisis should be terminated.

Click here to read the letter from CUASA. Click here to read CAUT’s full statement.


Ontario faculty tell Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano he’s fired!

On April 20th, Ontario faculty, students, and community members took part in a virtual action demanding the resignation of Minister of Colleges and Universities, Ross Romano.

Minister Romano has refused to engage with OCUFA or to comment publicly on the situation at Laurentian University. In the absence of being able speak with him directly, a coalition of Ontario postsecondary faculty, students, and community organizers assembled to convey their assessment of his performance, based on criteria that prioritize equity, decolonization, student well-being, and fair resourcing of postsecondary education in Northern Ontario.

Click here to read more.


CCAA at Laurentian University threatens Indigenous studies and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action

OCUFA is alarmed at the detrimental impact the CCAA process is having on Indigenous studies, faculty, students, and the community in the Greater Sudbury area. As part of the CCAA process, the Indigenous Studies Department, its programs, and its faculty have been terminated. For students, this means the loss of Indigenous-centred, Indigenous-developed, and Indigenous-run degree programs. For the surrounding region, this means the loss of Indigenous leadership and educational opportunities for First Nations’ youth and an important educational hub.

Click here to read more.


Public Statement from Historians at the University of Toronto and Academics Across Ontario

As faculty of the University of Toronto’s History Department and academics at various universities across Ontario, we join with hundreds of our colleagues in the fields of health and medicine in condemning the Government of Ontario’s refusal, through 13 months of this devastating pandemic, to even consider funding paid sick leave and paid time off for vaccinations for essential workers in this province.

Click here to read more, and add your name to the statement.


CAUT Council imposes rare censure against University of Toronto over Azarova hiring controversy

Delegates to CAUT Council voted to censure the University of Toronto because of the Administration’s failure to resolve concerns regarding academic freedom stemming from a hiring scandal in the Faculty of Law.

Click here to keep reading.


Labour Community Updates

Mental Wellness While Working From Home

The Ottawa and District Labour Council and the Workers Health and Safety Centre will be holding “Mental Wellness While Working From Home” as part of the Virtual Health & Safety Information Series. This event takes place on Tuesday May 11, 2021 at 7:00pm Advance registration is required here.


OFL: Workers need permanent paid sick leave, not the bare minimum

Ontario’s new Worker Income Protection Benefit is a bare minimum response to the longstanding call for paid sick days from labour advocates, unions, public health officials, and medical experts. The temporary benefit, administered through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), will provide a maximum of three days paid sick leave and is only available until September 25, 2021.

Click here to read more.


Back-to-work legislation undermines workers’ rights

The Canadian Labour Congress is condemning the Government of Canada’s decision to introduce back-to-work legislation against workers at the Port of Montreal.

Click here to read more.

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