Weekly Update – May 1

May 1, 2020

Weekly Update – May 1


At this week’s JCAA, we again raised the issue of sabbatical delays as a result of COVID-19. The University has assured us again that members will be allowed to defer their sabbatical beyond the normal deadlines. However, the Employer is maintaining its position that if a member chooses to defer their sabbatical, they will not have the service time from that deferral credited to their next sabbatical. CUASA again expressed its disappointment with this position. These are unprecedented times, and we feel that our members should not be punished because of changes to sabbatical plans that they cannot control.

We have heard from some CUASA members who are unable to submit PER claims because of receipts left in their campus offices. We asked the University about the possibility of reimbursement without these receipts. However, we have been told that these receipts are required for reimbursements, and members who wish to submit claims will have to make arrangements to access their office to retrieve them. CUASA is not in agreement with this procedure, and we have asked the University to provide some accommodation in these unprecedented times. We await more information on this.

We asked the University if online appointments, such as with psychologists, would still be covered by the extended healthcare plan. The University has told us that as long as the required referral is in place before you attend the appointment, the appointment will be covered no matter what the format is, be it online, over the phone, or in person.

We have heard concerns from some members about a change in the quantity with respect to drug dispensing from pharmacies, with members now receiving only a 30-day supply at a time. We sought clarification from the University and have been informed that this policy change has originated from the provincial government, not from CanadaLife. This is only a temporary change. Carleton Human Resources will notify us once this restriction has been lifted.

We asked for an update regarding the long-term disability plan under COVID-19 and whether there have been any timeline reconsiderations. The University has let us know there have been no changes to the LTD program at this stage. Should any issues arise, the University will look at them on a case-by-case basis.

CUASA Business and Events

Motion to Refer Budget Back to Council

The vote on the motion to refer the annual budget back to Council for revision for clarity opened at 12:00pm today and will run for 24 hours until 12:00pm tomorrow. Votes cannot be accepted after noon, tomorrow.

The voting email says it is from CUASA, and the sent email displays as [email protected]. This is a legitimate email from CUASA. In it, you will find the link to take you to the voting platform.

If you have any questions about the vote, or encounter any issues, please contact [email protected].

Nominations for Steering Positions

We are still accepting nominations for the following Steering positions:

  • External Relations Officer
  • Communications Officer
  • Chair, Equity
  • Chair, Nominations and Elections
  • Chair, Internal Affairs
  • Instructor Representative

Information on the nominations process, and a list of open positions, can be found on our How to Volunteer page. Elections will take place at the May 21 Council meeting. If you are interested in any of the open positions, we strongly encourage you to consider running. The work of the Association continues, despite the current environment we find ourselves in. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. Some of these positions come with a course release subject to the availability of funds.

CUASA Tenure/Confirmation and Promotion Workshops

Each spring CUASA puts on Tenure/Confirmation and Promotion workshops, which cover the process for applying for tenure/confirmation and/or promotion, the preparation of dossiers, and the appeals process in the event of a denial.

As we have previously mentioned, we are in discussions with the University on a Memorandum of Agreement to allow members to defer applications in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we know that we will have members who will want to go ahead as planned. We also anticipate many questions as members consider their options. To that end, we have decided that our workshops will go ahead as scheduled this year.

The dates, times, and locations for the workshops are as follows:

  • Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor – Tuesday, May 12, 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Promotion to Associate and Full Professor – Thursday, May 14, 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor – Thursday, May 14, 1:00-3:30pm
  • Promotion to Associate and Full Professor – Friday, May 15, 1:00-3:30pm
  • Librarian Confirmation and Promotion – Tuesday, May 26, 9:30am-12:00pm
  • Instructor Confirmation and Promotion – Thursday, May 28, 9:30am-12:00pm

All workshops will be held virtually. If you plan to attend, please email [email protected] to RSVP.

Carleton Community Announcements

Staying Cyber Secure

Carleton ITS has issued suggestions on how to stay cyber secure when working from home or working remotely. You can see these suggestions here.

Ergonomics for Working Remotely

Carleton’s Manager of University Operations Safety, Dave Hunt, is hosting a discussion about Ergonomics on Monday, May 4. You can register for the session here. In addition to the workshop, the University is offering “home visits” to evaluate your set up and provide suggestions for improvement. Contact Dave Hunt at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

Academic Community at Large

CAUT Marks Day of Mourning

This past Tuesday, April 28, was the National Day of Mourning in recognition of workers killed or injured on the job. Read CAUT’s statement to mark the day here.

CAUT Calls for Support to Offset Impacts of COVID-19

CAUT is calling on the federal government to address the financial impact of COVID-19 on universities and colleges. Read the full statement here.

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