Weekly Update – October 8, 2021

October 8, 2021

Weekly Update – October 8, 2021

CUASA Office Closure

Please note the virtual CUASA Office will close at 4:30pm today for the long weekend. The office will reopen on Tuesday, October 12, at 9:00am.


COVID-19 Campus Update

As we wrote in our updates on September 24, and October 1, CUASA has been trying to get a full picture of the COVID-19 situation on campus, including the current active and historic cumulative case count numbers. The University continues to refuse to provide this information to the Association, or to make it publicly available on its website.

CUASA believes that full transparency is required from Carleton University on this important issue. We will continue to push for this data to be made available. 


CU v CUASA (re Association Grievance No. 19-P-00238, Student Teaching Evaluation Form Administration) (Arbitrator Knopf – Summary and Notice of Arbitration Award)

We wish to inform CUASA members about a new mediation/arbitration order from Arbitrator Paula Knopf regarding the Association’s grievance on the student teaching evaluation form administration (STE), now referred to in the collective agreement as student experience questionnaires (SEQ).  The parties appeared before Arbitrator Knopf on October 5 and 6, 2021. Members are strongly encouraged to read the full decision here.

As the award outlines, there will be a new process to appropriately implement the terms of Article 25.3(h)-(i) of the collective agreement with proper consideration for Article 25.3(a). The University will have until January 5, 2022, to program its system and so that CUASA members will be able to make their first selection to choose their preferred format for SEQs.

CUASA members will have the full calendar months (September and January) at the beginning of each fall and winter term to log into the system, select and save their preference for paper or electronic formats. Please note, for summer term courses the deadline is shorter – members will have the first two weeks from the start of the course to make changes. New hires will be allowed to express their choice in their first month of employment and have it saved.

Be advised that under the new system, once members make a selection and save it, the choice will be saved for every subsequent term and academic year thereafter and will not change until it is changed by the member. Members who wish to make specific changes for a fall or winter term must meet the end of the month deadline for the change to apply for that term. If a change is made after the deadline, that preference will apply for the next term. The system will allow CUASA members to change their preferences as they deem necessary and will allow the flexibility for members to decide what will work best for them during the course of any academic year.

To properly transition to this new process, and because of the current COVID-19 pandemic situation where only electronic formats can be safely applied, be advised that all CUASA members will be temporarily assigned the electronic form selection in the system.

Courses determined to be “fully online” will have to have the electronic questionnaires administered. For all other courses, it will remain at our members’ discretion to decide. Please note, the generic phrase “fully online” is taken to mean what was understood between the parties before the COVID situation arose. The parties therefore will be returning the discussion of hybrid courses, such as Hyflex, and their Article 25.3(h)-(i) applications to the JCAA table.

Please watch for more technical updates for when members will have access to their accounts to be able to go in and change the programmed temporary assignment and make their first election under this new process.

The Association is pleased with this outcome, as it finally resolves the dispute over the forced “opt-out” electronic form implemented by Carleton in 2012.

The Association continues to strongly recommend the paper format, when safe to do so, since the issues of discriminatory effects and bias for the electronic format remain outstanding. If you require further advice on which format is best for you, members are asked to email [email protected].


CUASA Business

Vacant Steering Positions

We are still seeking volunteers for the following Steering positions (click on the title below to see the position description):

* The Steering committee has allocated a 0.5 course release for the Vice President position.

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page.

Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. If you are interested in one of these positions and would like some information, or wish to nominate yourself or a colleague, please contact Marylynn Steckley, at [email protected].


Academic Community Updates

September NewsWire: Post-federal election – Victory for academic freedom – Rising tuition fees

Every month CAUT sends a newsletter with the latest CAUT and post-secondary education sector news. In the September issue:

  • CAUT working to hold government to account for PSE: post-election 2021
  • “Victory for academic freedom”: U of T reverses course on Dr. Azarova
  • Tuition fees on the rise: new Statistics Canada data
  • CAUT marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
  • Register now for Indigenizing the Academy event
  • Looking to squeeze in some podcast listening this fall?
  • Upcoming Events

Click here to read the NewsWire and to subscribe.


CAUT Forum – Building Solidarity and Alliances: Indigenizing the Academy

CAUT will host this virtual interactive forum on Friday, October 15, 2021, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time). The forum is an opportunity for all members of the academic community — Indigenous and non-Indigenous — to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and explore concrete approaches to advancing and strengthening Indigenization of the academy. Dr. Lorna Wanosts’a7 Williams will open this event as keynote speaker, followed by a panel discussion on collective bargaining wins, Indigenous self-identification, and recruitment and retention of Indigenous academic staff. Event details, the registration link, and agenda can be found on the CAUT website. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

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