Weekly Update – September 4

September 4, 2020

Weekly Update – September 4

Virtual Office Closure

Please note the CUASA Virtual Office will be closed on Monday, September 7 for Labour Day. 

CUASA Grievance Update

As we mentioned last week, Health and Counselling Services has announced the appointment of a new family physician to the campus clinic who will be dedicated to serving employees of the University. Dr. Michael Power started working August 31st with virtual appointments only. He will relocate to Ottawa in 2021. CUASA members who currently do not have a family physician are asked to call 613-520-6674 to book an appointment for an initial assessment.

This update follows our previous announcements on concerns about cuts to the campus clinic, and the filing of an Association grievance on the topic.

cuLearn Upgrade

We have heard that cuLearn recently underwent a major upgrade, and have been made aware of at least one instance where course material was lost. We encourage all CUASA members to look closely at the content you had built prior to last Friday to ensure that it is still on your cuLearn site. If you encounter any issues, please contact the EDC. We also strongly advise all CUASA members using cuLearn to back up your course content. You can find information on how to do that here.

Labour Day 2020

Ottawa Virtual Labour Day

From the Ottawa and District Labour Council:

“Around the world workers have continuously struggled for many years for their rights, safety, health and workplaces that are fair and just. Though accomplishments have been made in some areas there remains much more to do.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world the importance of workers and the jobs they do. The grocery store clerk, the nurse, the Personal Support worker, the security guard, first responders, education workers, those in construction, store clerks, government workers and so many others. All dedicated to their job and focused on providing a service for the betterment of all.

Please join us online Monday, September 7, 2020 at 11 am EST at www.ottawalabour.org for our Virtual Labour Day March & Picnic.”

Message from the Canadian Labour Congress

“Many of us are watching in horror what is happening in the United States right now. Infection rates are climbing, governments are bickering, and people are suffering.

We can only hope it gets better for our southern neighbours. It makes us appreciate what we have here in Canada.

While we aren’t perfect, we have not experienced the same level of crisis. That’s because, by and large, we take care of each other here. And now, in the midst of all this, Canada’s unions have a plan on how we can do even better.

We’re launching an ambitious campaign this Labour Day. Sign up to be a part of it.

In Canada, we invest in services like public health care. We create social safety nets that help people who face hardships and uncertainty. If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that we must disaster-proof our country.

Find out how you can help us push back against calls for American-style cuts and help fix what’s broken.

Let’s not miss our opportunity to help move Canada forward together.”

Scholar Strike Canada

From CAUT:

“On September 9 and 10, academics in Canada are planning to pause their regular teaching and administrative duties to participate in activities and actions to protest racism and police violence. Inspired by the actions of professional athletes and the #ScholarStrike campaign in the United States, academic staff will be standing in solidarity with protest movements fighting for social and racial justice in Canada and around the world.

A series of virtual teach-ins are being planned, as well as a twitter storm using the hashtags #scholarstrike #scholarstrikeCanada. CAUT encourages academic staff associations and their members to show their support for racial justice by joining or organizing activities with Scholar Strike Canada. We also call on university and college administrations to support all staff and students who participate on September 9 and 10, and not penalize those who do.

More details about activities being organized in Canada will be available at https://scholarstrikecanada.ca/.”

OCUFA has also issued a statement of support for the Scholar Strike, which you can read here.

CUASA Business and Events

Nominations for Steering Positions

We are still accepting nominations for the following Steering positions:

  • Communications Officer
  • Chair, Nominations and Elections
  • Chair, Internal Affairs
  • Instructor Representative

Information on the nominations process can be found on our How to Volunteer page. The work of the Association continues, despite the current environment we find ourselves in. Remember that our Association is only as strong as its membership, so we count on the time and commitment of our members to achieve our goals. Some of these positions come with a course release subject to the availability of funds.

Call for Volunteer: JCEE

We are seeking one CUASA member to serve on the Joint Committee on Employment Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JCEE). Details on the mandate of this important committee can be found here. If you are interested in serving on the JCEE, please email [email protected].

Carleton Community Updates

Parking on Campus

Carleton is continuing to waive parking fees for the fall term, and parking spaces will be maintained. Parking Services will provide an update ahead of the winter term.

Library Reopening

The MacOdrum Library has announced a limited reopening for current students and faculty only. Level 2 (ground level) will be open weekdays from 9:00am to 5:00pm with limited staff. Entering and leaving the library will be from the Level 2 main entrance only, and anyone wanting to enter will need to have their student/staff ID card. Wearing a mask will be required, per the University’s mask policy. Click here for more information on the limited opening.

Faculty Office Access

A reminder that as of August 11, 2020, restricted access to individual faculty offices is permitted certain areas. Faculty members request access to their offices by e-mailing their Dean, who will complete all notifications as required through the COVID Portal. If the office is not for an access control building, Campus Safety must be contacted. For more information and requirements for accessing faculty offices, click here.

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