Women at the Bargaining Table: Film Screening Invitation

November 20, 2019

Women at the Bargaining Table: Film Screening Invitation



Click here to register by November 30, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact Martha Attridge Bufton
([email protected]).

Watch the trailer here.

Women at the bargaining table. White-collar unionization at Carleton University is a 22-minute documentary film that tells the story of union activism at Carleton University in the mid-1970s. Featuring five of the women who led the faculty, support staff and librarians union movements on campus, the film captures the drive and passion of workers to overturn entrenched collegial employee/management relations and secure “the rule of law” and more equitable working conditions. By 1976, the Carleton University Academic Staff Association (CUASA) and the Carleton University Support Staff Association (CUSSA) were both certified for collective bargaining. This made Carleton support and academic staff amongst the first university employees in Canada to be unionized.

This documentary is based on Martha Attridge Bufton’s master’s thesis Solidarity by Association: The Unionization of Faculty, Academic Librarians and Support Staff at Carleton University (1973-1976). This thesis won the Eugene A. Forsey Prize in 2014. The Eugene A. Forsey Prize is given annually by the Canadian Historical Association for the best thesis in labour history.

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