Article IV: Council

  1. There shall be a Council of the Association responsible for determining the policy of the Association, and the making of Bylaws, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and to such directions as may be given at any Annual or General Meeting.
  2. Council shall consist of:
    1. the Officers of the Association;
    2. two (2) non-voting associate members representing retirees; and,
    3. Council Representatives elected from the academic sub-units as defined in the Bylaws.
  3. Sub-units shall be entitled to the following number of Council Representatives based on the number of Association members in the sub-unit:
    1. At least 6 but fewer than 20 members: 1 Representative.
    2. At least 20 but fewer than 40 members: 2 Representatives.
    3. 40 or more members: 3 Representatives.
  4. Sub-units with fewer than six members may join with other sub-units of their choice in order to have enough members to jointly elect one or more representatives.
  5. Council Representatives shall be elected by the members of the Association of their respective sub-units for a term of three years beginning on April 1 of their year of election. They shall be eligible for re-election.
  6. The associate members representing retirees shall be elected by and from among the retired associate members for a term of three years beginning April 1 of the year of election. They shall be eligible for re-election.
  7. The Council shall meet at least six times during the period September to May of each academic year. It shall meet at the call of the Steering Committee, President or when requested by any five members of Council. At least one meeting shall normally scheduled to follow the April General Meeting.
  8. The Vice President shall normally preside at Council meetings, and shall cast a vote only in the case of a tie.
  9. A quorum for meetings shall be one-third of the members of Council.
  10. Council shall fill any vacancies in the membership of any committee.
  11. Any proposal to alter the Association’s Bylaws shall be endorsed by 10 members of Council drawn from 2 faculties, and must be submitted in writing to the CUASA office 2 weeks in advance of a Council meeting to be placed on the agenda.
  12. The President of CUASA shall resolve any dispute of the interpretation of the Association’s constitution or bylaws, subject to the approval of Council at the first opportunity – with the President voting only in the case of a tie.
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