Article XII: Collective Agreement Ratification

  1. Any collective agreements negotiated shall take force only upon ratification in accordance with the relevant provisions of The Ontario Labour Relations Act.
  2. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in The Ontario Labour Relations Act and the Regulations made thereunder, ratification votes shall take place according to the following procedure:
    1. One or more informational meetings to explain and discuss the terms of the proposed collective agreement shall be held, on not less than forty-eight (48) hours’ notice, at least one week prior to any ratification vote.
    2. Ratification votes shall be by secret ballot and shall be open to all members of the bargaining unit.
    3. Regular balloting shall take place over 48 hours but shall not take place on weekends.
    4. Subject to the requirements of The Ontario Labour Relations Act, Council may decide by majority vote of those present to hold a ratification vote either by paper ballot or electronically.
  3. In the ratification of collective agreements, members of a named sub-unit or other clearly distinguishable group of members within the Association shall vote separately on any clause(s) which affects only the named sub- unit(s) or group(s). In such a case, the members of the sub-unit(s) or group(s) shall have the power to veto only the clause(s) affecting solely the named sub-unit(s) or group(s) and shall vote together with all other members of the Association on all matters of common concern.
  4. Except where otherwise provided for in The Ontario Labour Relations Act and Regulations made thereunder, authorization for Association work action of any type shall be granted by a simple majority of members of the Association voting by secret ballot. Council may decide by majority vote of those present to hold a strike or job action vote either by paper ballot or electronically.
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