CUASA Communiqué — CUASA condemns racism and Islamophobia

CUASA condemns racism and Islamophobia

The Carleton University Academic Staff Association condemns two recent blatant acts of Islamophobia: the homicidal attack on worshippers at the Centre Culturel Islamique du Québec, and the discriminatory Executive Order by the President of the United States barring admittance into the US by those with passports from seven majority Muslim countries. We extend our most heart-felt condolences to the victims and survivors of the terrorist attack in Québec City. We stand in solidarity with students, staff, and faculty from Muslim communities, communities of colour, supporters of Idle No More and Black Lives Matter, and other groups under threat in the current political climate. As scholars, we are aware that the normalization of discriminatory discourse can readily contribute to physical violence, as it has done all too often in our history. We must respond by not allowing it to become normal, by rejecting hatred and discrimination, and instead celebrate our differences in a most inclusive manner.

Not only is this bout of Islamophobia an affront to decency, compassion, and collegiality, but it also directly affects many of our members and our students. We must ensure that the University and the broader community remain safe for us all. We are also concerned for many of our members’ and colleagues’ ability to pursue their work when it involves entry into the United States, even if merely ‘in transit’ or flying over US airspace. We echo the Canadian Association of University Teachers, which noted that Mr. Trump’s ban “runs contrary to the values of free and open exchange of knowledge and ideas.” As a part of both the public university and the labour movement – each of which bears a social responsibility at this time – we add our voices to those calling for a swift reversal of this odious policy, and we ask our members to vigilantly confront and resist racism inside and outside the classroom.

February 02, 2017

Volume 45, Issue 9
Editor: Root Gorelick

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