CUASA Condemns Carleton Withholding Benefits from CUPE 4600 Members

CUASA Condemns Carleton Withholding Benefits from CUPE 4600 Members

February 25, 2019

We were displeased to learn that Carleton University has cut vital benefit support that affects so many of our CUPE 4600 colleagues on campus. The benefits Carleton has barred access to include dental, vision, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care, as well as childcare and UHIP reimbursements.

Having access to assistance for medical and dental care is essential, and we are shocked that the university would order the benefits provider to stop paying claims without a contingency plan already in place. This is an action that will lead to potentially serious financial burdens for teaching assistants and research assistants—members of the Carleton community who already work in precarious and underpaid positions.

We stand in solidary with CUPE 4600 – Unit 1 and its right to insist that Carleton University respect the language of the collective agreement. Carleton University had an obligation to fairly disclose and report on any issues affecting the benefits plan and should not be allowed to unilaterally cease any negotiated benefit.

We call on the University President and senior administration to do the right thing and immediately rectify this situation by reinstating CUPE 4600’s benefits plan without any decreases, eliminations, or conditions.


For more information please contact:

Josh Horton, Member Services and Communications Officer, CUASA at 613-520-5608 or [email protected]

See News Release here.

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