Reminder! CUASA Winter General Membership Meeting
January 30th from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. (Please log in at 1:15)
Members* are required to register in advance to attend.
Advance Registration** will end at 11 am on January 30th.
The agenda, reports and motions will be sent to registered members in advance of the meeting.
In accordance with CUASA Bylaws proxy votes are not permitted at General Meetings.
If you are unable to attend the GMM and have questions, comments, or concerns related to agenda items please bring them to your Representative Council Officer. Officers, listed by Academic Unit, can be found here.
Please read the Meeting Protocols carefully. If you have questions about CUASA governance or processes, please write to [email protected].
Meeting Protocols
- Links provided for the GMM are not to be shared. For voting purposes one person per link is permitted.
- The GMM should be joined from a private space.
- Information at the GMM may be confidential and should not be shared with non-members.
- Members are required to display their full name (first and last) on their screens for the duration of the meeting. If you are a retired member we ask that you identify yourself as such by adding “R” after your last name.
- Members are prohibited from recording the meeting.
- The meeting will follow Robert’s Rules of Order as outline in the Bylaws (Bylaw 21).
- To ensure accessibility and in order to maintain rules of order re speaking lists the general chat will be closed except as a speakers list – all other chat in the general chat during discussion periods will be deleted by the chat moderator.
- Motions, Amendments, Points of Order, Points of Privilege etc must be sent by chat directly to CUASA’s Executive Director, Jaye Horton who will share them with the Chair/General Membership.
*Only Association members, meaning those who have returned a completed membership form, may participate in the internal administration of CUASA. Staff will be checking GMM registrations against the membership list and will contact any registrants who have not completed a membership form to ask them to do so before their registration will be approved. Retired Association members are permitted to attend General Membership meetings where they have a voice but not a vote. If you have any questions or wish to verify your membership status, please contact [email protected].
**Members who have not registered in advance are not guaranteed entry into the meeting.