The Communiqué: Volume 46, No. 16 – May 3, 2024

In this Issue:

  • Annual Tenure and Promotion Workshops – May 7-15 (Virtual)
  • Updates from CUASA’s April General Meeting of April 24
  • Expiration of the 2021-2024 Collective Agreement on April 30
  • Salary Adjustment Process on Hold
  • No Issuance of T2200 Forms by Carleton University
  • 2024 Steering Committee Elections, May 16
  • Get involved: Other Volunteer Opportunities at CUASA
  • Solidarity with the Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL), May 3
  • Student Clubs Soliciting Feedback on Faculty
  • Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Survey
  • Take Action: Tell your MPP to stop Bill 166 now!
  • CUPE 4600 Palestine Educational Workshop, May 8
  • Updates from OCUFA and CAUT



Annual Tenure and Promotion Workshops – May 7-15 (Virtual)

Our annual Tenure/Confirmation and Promotion workshops start next week! These workshops cover the process for applying for tenure/confirmation and/or promotion, the preparation of dossiers, and the appeals process in the event of a denial, organized around each of the ranks of CUASA members.

The dates and times for this year’s five workshops are as follows:

  • Instructor/Teaching Stream Tenure and Promotion – Tuesday, May 7, 1:30-3:30pm
  • Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor – Wednesday, May 8, 9:30-11:30am (also repeated on May 15, see below)
  • Promotion to Full Professor – Wednesday, May 8, 1:30-3:30pm
  • Librarian Confirmation and Promotion – Tuesday, May 14, 1:30-3:30pm
  • Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor – Wednesday, May 15, 1:30-3:30pm

All workshops will be held virtually on Zoom. Members can find the links to register in their emails (please contact [email protected] if you can’t).



Updates from CUASA’s April General Meeting of April 24

In case you missed our April General Meeting last week, here are some of the highlights from the meeting:

  • CUASA’s Chief Negotiator, Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny, provided an overview of the Association’s priorities for the upcoming round of collective bargaining.
  • On the recommendation on the Finance Committee, a majority vote of the members at the AGM approved an increase to the dues rate/mill rate that CUASA members pay. As previously announced, the dues rate will increase from 1.1% to 1.3% effective May 1, 2024. This is the first change to CUASA’s dues rate in a decade; the last rate increase happened in 2014.
  • Members also approved the proposed 2024-2025 budget.
  • CUASA President Dominique Marshall was acclaimed as President for the 2024-2026 term, beginning July 1, 2024. We thank Dr. Marshall for her willingness to continue in this important role.



Expiration of the 2021-2024 Collective Agreement on April 30

The 2021-2024 collective agreement has now expired, as of April 30. Per Article 32 (p. 146): “Duration and Continuance of the Agreement”, the terms and conditions of the collective agreement continue to remain in force until a new agreement is reached, or until a strike or lock-out is declared.

Members should be aware that this means that the May 1, 2024, salary increases and CDI rates have yet to be negotiated, meaning that these adjustments will not happen until after a new agreement has been reached and is ratified.

The Collective Bargaining Committee is hard at work preparing for the upcoming round of negotiations. As always, updates will be shared on the bargaining process through our email messages and on the CUASA website.



Salary Adjustment Process on Hold

Recently, CUASA has been dealing with a high number of grievances related to the salary review process, as carried out by the Salary Adjustment Commission (SAC) in accordance with Appendix E of the collective agreement. Many of these cases have been referred to arbitration due to members not receiving expected or favourable outcomes.

We have been in discussions with the University on how to address these ongoing issues. To do this, CUASA and Carleton have agreed to put the salary review process and the Salary Adjustment Commission on hold while we seek the assistance of a mediator to determine a way forward that both parties agree to.

As such, there is a pause on all future salary reviews until further notice. We will provide updates once an outcome has been reached and reviews will be considered again.

For more information of this process, see the CUASA website.



No Issuance of T2200 Forms by Carleton University

We have had numerous inquiries from members asking about whether the University will be issuing T2200 forms of the Canada Revenue Agency that allow employees to deduct employment expenses from their income, including those usually associated with working from home.

We raised this issue with the University at the Joint Committee for the Administration of the Agreement (JCAA) in February. The response we received from the administration is that in their view, they are returning to the status quo from prior to COVID and will not issue the forms. The University said that CUASA members have offices on campus and are not required to work from home, and do not have a formal agreement to do so.

We raised the interpretation that CRA published on eligibility criteria for home office expenses for the 2023 tax year and pressed the University to look into this further. However, the University just reiterated that in their view that nothing has changed since there’s no formal agreement for faculty to work from home. As such, T2200 forms will not be issued for CUASA members.

CAUT previously issued a Legal Advisory on this topic, which concludes if the Employer refuses to issue the form, “the member can still claim these expenses on their tax return, but should expect to have their claim denied and be prepared to object and appeal the CRA’s assessment. This may involve going to tax court.”

Please note: CUASA does not provide tax advice assistance. A member’s obligations as a taxpayer are not the Association’s responsibility, and providing such advice might lead to expanded responsibilities and liabilities under labour law. Members with questions about their taxes should consult with a tax lawyer.



2024 Steering Committee Elections, May 16

We would like to sincerely express our gratitude to those members who have put forward their names for consideration for the 2024 Steering Committee elections.

In accordance with the terms of Article IX of the CUASA Constitution, the elections will take place at the CUASA Council meeting on May 16. We have received nominations for the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, External Relations Officer, and Chair, Grievance Policy and Administration.

You can visit our Get Involved webpage to see who the nominated members are – click on their names so you can get to know a little about them.

We are still accepting nominations for the following positions (click on the position title to view the description):

All nominations must be made using the form found here. All nomination forms must include the signatures of the nominee and two Association members as nominators. Please send completed forms to [email protected].

If you have any questions about the positions or the process, please contact the CUASA Office at [email protected].



Get involved: Other Volunteer Opportunities at CUASA

The Association is as strong as its membership, so we count on the time, ideas and commitment of members to achieve and update CUASA’s goals. If you’d like to contribute to CUASA’s work and positions, here are some ways you can help:

… help us prepare for the 2024 round by joining the Collective Bargaining Committee

The collective agreement expired on April 30, 2024, and our Collective Bargaining Committee is hard at work preparing for the 2024 round of negotiations. We’re looking for some new members to help us prepare. The committee is scheduled to meet twice a month for the next couple of months as we ramp up preparations.

… serve as a member of Anti-Racism Working Group

This Working Group is open to any CUASA member interested in addressing the issue of racism at Carleton. It usually meets once a month during the academic year.

join one of our Caucus Groups

CUASA’s 2SLBGTQIA+ Pride Caucus and Disability Caucus are now meeting regularly, and we are happy to welcome new members. These caucus groups are intended to be a way for people from equity-seeking groups to find community connections, socialize, organize, support one another, and share ideas with each other and with CUASA. These groups usually meet once a month.

For more information, or to volunteer for any of these positions, please contact the CUASA Office at [email protected]. If you are interested in participating in a caucus group, please contact our Equity and Member Services Officer, Max López, at [email protected] for more details.



Solidarity with the Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL), May 3

Members of the Association of McGill Professors of Law (AMPL) have been on strike since April 24, following 76% voting in favour of an indefinite strike starting if the union and the university administration fail to reach a tentative agreement. More than 95% of AMPL members took part in the strike vote, as the university has refused to meet with the union to continue negotiation of its first collective agreement.


Photo credit: Richard Janda (AMPL)


Photo credit: Richard Janda (AMPL)


Photo credit: Dominique Marshall

Today, May 3, CUASA President Dominique Marshall joined the CAUT Defence Fund Flying Picket in Montreal to show support for striking AMPL members.

CUASA stands in solidarity with our colleagues at AMPL, and calls on the McGill administration to negotiate fairly and give AMPL a fair first collective agreement.



Student Clubs Soliciting Feedback on Faculty

CUASA has become aware of various pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian student groups that are soliciting student opinions on faculty members and any comments or editorial provided regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict. We have been in touch with the University on this issue and it is being looked into. We are actively monitoring the situation. Any potentially affected members are encouraged to contact CUASA’s grievance team at [email protected] should you have any concerns or require any advice on this topic.



Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Survey

Each Spring and Fall, the Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (CDLRA) conducts its Pan-Canadian Digital Learning Survey project that tracks digital learning trends in post-secondary education.

At the request of the CDLRA, we are inviting CUASA members to participate in the 2024 Spring Pan-Canadian Survey. The CDLRA recently expanded the survey to include faculty as participants, as it is highly important that the data reflects the perspectives of those who are actively teaching at institutions across the country. The CDLRA hopes to increase the faculty response rate for 2024 to ensure that the faculty voice is not overlooked when findings are shared later this year.

The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at this link:



Take Action: Tell your MPP to stop Bill 166 now!

From the Coalition Against Political Interference in Public Research and Education in Ontario:

Bill 166, the Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, claims to protect student safety and inclusion. Instead, it demonstrates the Ford government’s continued failure to understand mental health and anti-racism, and its insistence on trying to control post-secondary institutions rather than fund them.

Bill 166 gives unprecedented powers to the Minister of Colleges and Universities to direct the specific topics and elements of any post-secondary institution’s mental health and anti-racism policies, and to take unspecified action if the Minister thinks the institution has not complied. This ignores decades of research and best practices on mental health and equity, and endangers the considerable work already being done in these areas on Ontario campuses.

For more information, or to send a letter to your MPP, click here.



CUPE 4600 Palestine Educational Workshop, May 8

CUPE 4600  is offering an educational workshop on the History of Palestinian Labour Activism, with Carleton Sociology PhD candidate Mohammed Nijim as guest speaker.



CUASA members are welcome to this event, which will be held on Wednesday, May 8, from 5:00-7:00pm in Canal Building 3101. It is organised in cooperation with the Carleton Chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP Carleton).



Updates from OCUFA and CAUT

OCUFA marks closure of historic women’s college

On April 30, OCUFA issued a statement recognizing the essential contributions of the Brescia Faculty Association (BFA) to the vibrant and unique educational experience at Brescia University College in advance of the institution’s closure on May 1, 2024.

“Brescia University College was Canada’s only women’s university college and it provided a singular educational experience to its students for more than 100 years,” said Nigmendra Narain, OCUFA President. “OCUFA is grateful to the BFA and its members for their commitment to service, teaching, and research in an exceptional liberal arts environment. We acknowledge their hard work—past and present—to serve their students.”

Read the full statement from OCUFA.


CAUT statement on the right to freedom of expression and peaceful protest on campus

Universities and colleges serve the common good of society through searching for and disseminating knowledge and fostering independent thinking and expression in academic staff and students. Robust democracies require no less. These ends cannot be achieved in an environment where free expression and academic freedom are curtailed.

The expression and debate of differing and even deeply contested points of view are essential to learning and the advancement of knowledge. This includes the political expression and peaceful protest of students, academic staff, and all members of the campus community.

Read the full statement from CAUT.


CAUT April Advocate
Every month CAUT issues a newsletter with the latest CAUT and post-secondary education sector news. The April issue includes key highlights from CAUT’s 96th Council meeting. From April 25 to 27, delegates met in Ottawa to discuss key issues facing academic staff associations, elect leadership, and honour the collective achievements of academic staff across the country.
In this issue:

  • Solidarity with McGill law professors
  • Alberta government’s Bill 18
  • Faculty vote of no confidence at Saint Mary’s in Halifax
  • Calls for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas
  • Federal budget provides welcome investments in research
  • CAUT presentations at parliamentary committees

Read the April Advocate here.



The Communiqué is published by the Carleton University Academic Staff Association. Past issues are archived on our website at
The Communiqué publishes CUASA-related news and information for our members.

We want to hear from you! Get in touch, by email, social media, phone, or by scheduling a meeting.
We read everything you send, and thank all of those who have contributed suggestions.


© 2024 Carleton University Academic Staff Association

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