The Communiqué: Volume 47, No. 8 – January 14, 2025

In This Issue:

  • CUASA – 50 Years Strong
  • Online Bargaining Information Sessions for CUASA Members
  • CUASA General Membership Meeting – Save the Date
  • CUASA Staff News
  • CAUT Update

CUASA – 50 Years Strong

The year 2025 will see CUASA mark 50 years as a certified trade union. CUASA certified as the first academic staff union in Ontario on June 18, 1975. On that day, the Ontario Labour Relations Board recognized CUASA as the bargaining agent of all full-time academic staff and professional librarians employed by Carleton University. You can read more about CUASA’s history here.

In the almost 50 years since certification, a lot of things have changed: CUASA has grown from a membership of around 400 to now approximately 1,000. CUASA hired its first full-time staff member in 1976, and now employs a team of six full-time staff.

One thing that hasn’t changed in almost 50 years is the Association’s dedication to protecting the rights of its members. We will be celebrating this important milestone throughout the year.

Bargaining Information Sessions for CUASA Members

The CUASA Negotiating Team is holding two online Bargaining Information Sessions for members in January. The Negotiating Team will provide an update on bargaining progress to date and go over potential scenarios in the bargaining process as we continue into negotiations. There will be time for questions after the presentation. If you have questions you would like to send in advance of the session please reach out to our Member Services and Communications Officer by email.

Wednesday, January 22, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Register here for this time.

Friday, January 24, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Register here for this time.

The sessions are open to all CUASA members.

Please register by 4pm the day before the session you choose to ensure your admission online.

CUASA General Membership Meeting

The CUASA Winter General Membership Meeting is Thursday, January 30th from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.

Members are required to register in advance to attend.

Only Association members may participate in the internal administration of CUASA. Staff will be checking GMM registrations against the membership list and will contact any registrants who have not completed a membership form   to ask them to do so before their registration is approved. Reports and motions will be sent to registered members on January 28th.

If you are unable to attend the GMM and have questions, comments, or concerns please bring them to your Representative Council Officer. Officers, listed by Academic Unit, can be found here. In accordance with CUASA Bylaws proxy votes are not permitted at General Meetings.

If you require accommodations to fully participate in the GMM please write to [email protected].

CUASA Staff News

We are excited to share that our Member Services & Communications Officer, Brittainy Bonnis, will be staying on with CUASA. Brittainy joined us this past summer on a limited-term appointment and was recently offered a continuing appointment, which we’re happy she has accepted. Brittainy has been doing outstanding work and we are lucky to have her!

We also extend our warmest congratulations to our Grievance & Arbitration Officer, Alex Aucoin, who recently completed his Bachelor of Human Resources and Labour Relations from Athabasca University. Alex started the BHRLR program in December 2020 and has worked tirelessly toward his degree the last few years while also dedicating himself to his full-time work for CUASA and his volunteer positions as President and Chief Steward of Unifor Local 567, the union representing CUASA staff. Way to go, Alex!

CAUT Update

Survey on Indigenous academic staff experiences. 

CAUT’s Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education working group has launched a survey to assess the experiences of Indigenous academic staff working at universities, colleges and polytechnics across Canada. The working group encourages all Indigenous staff to respond and share with colleagues.

The survey takes about 35 to 45 minutes to complete. Take the survey or share the link.

The deadline for completion is January 17, 2025.

The Communiqué is published by the Carleton University Academic Staff Association.

We want to hear from you! Get in touch!

We read everything you send, and thank all of those who have contributed suggestions.

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