CUASA Constitution, Bylaws and Policies

The operation of the Association is governed by the Constitution and Bylaws. There are also a number of policies and ongoing Council motions that govern the day to day operations of the Association.


As amended April 29, 2022


All members of CUASA shall:

A. have the right to participate in the affairs of the Association;
B. have the right to stand for elected office as prescribed by this Constitution; and,
C. shall conduct themselves in accordance with this constitution and the bylaws.

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Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to promote the welfare and interests of the Carleton University academic staff, including the regulation of employment relations between the University and the academic staff, and to affiliate with international, national, provincial and regional organizations for the advancement of the interests of the academic staff.

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Article III: Membership

  1. Membership in the Association shall be open to all members of the CUASA bargaining unit as defined in the Certificate of the Ontario Labour Relations Board, dated June 18, 1975, as further specified be decisions of the Board, dated April 4, 1975, and June 18, 1975, and as amended by the Board from time to time.
  2. Non-voting associate membership in the Association shall be open to all retired academic staff and such other persons as are nominated from time to time by Council.
  3. Any person eligible to be a member of the Association shall become a member upon the signing of an application for membership.
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Article IV: Council

  1. There shall be a Council of the Association responsible for determining the policy of the Association, and the making of Bylaws, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and to such directions as may be given at any Annual or General Meeting.
  2. Council shall consist of:
    1. the Officers of the Association;
    2. two (2) non-voting associate members representing retirees; and,
    3. Council Representatives elected from the academic sub-units as defined in the Bylaws.
  3. Sub-units shall be entitled to the following number of Council Representatives based on the number of Association members in the sub-unit:
    1. At least 6 but fewer than 20 members: 1 Representative.
    2. At least 20 but fewer than 40 members: 2 Representatives.
    3. 40 or more members: 3 Representatives.
  4. Sub-units with fewer than six members may join with other sub-units of their choice in order to have enough members to jointly elect one or more representatives.
  5. Council Representatives shall be elected by the members of the Association of their respective sub-units for a term of three years beginning on April 1 of their year of election. They shall be eligible for re-election.
  6. The associate members representing retirees shall be elected by and from among the retired associate members for a term of three years beginning April 1 of the year of election. They shall be eligible for re-election.
  7. The Council shall meet at least six times during the period September to May of each academic year. It shall meet at the call of the Steering Committee, President or when requested by any five members of Council. At least one meeting shall normally scheduled to follow the April General Meeting.
  8. The Vice President shall normally preside at Council meetings, and shall cast a vote only in the case of a tie.
  9. A quorum for meetings shall be one-third of the members of Council.
  10. Council shall fill any vacancies in the membership of any committee.
  11. Any proposal to alter the Association’s Bylaws shall be endorsed by 10 members of Council drawn from 2 faculties, and must be submitted in writing to the CUASA office 2 weeks in advance of a Council meeting to be placed on the agenda.
  12. The President of CUASA shall resolve any dispute of the interpretation of the Association’s constitution or bylaws, subject to the approval of Council at the first opportunity – with the President voting only in the case of a tie.
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Article V: Steering Committee

  1. There shall be a Steering Committee of the Council consisting of the following:
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Past President
    4. Treasurer
    5. External Relations Officer
    6. Salary and Benefits Officer
    7. Chair, Nominations and Elections Committee
    8. Chair, Collective Bargaining Committee
    9. Chair, Grievance Policy and Administration Committee
    10. Chair, Internal Affairs Committee
    11. Chair, Equity Committee
    12. Instructor Representative
    13. Professional Librarian Representative
  2. The Steering Committee shall be responsible to the Council.
  3. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for advising the President on the conduct of his/her office.
  4. The Steering Committee shall implement the policies of the Association.
  5. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once a month during the period September to May of each academic year, at the call of the President, or on one week’s written notice of any two members of the committee.
  6. A quorum for meetings of the Steering Committee shall be five members.
  7. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the Association’s Bylaws and advising Council of the need to create, delete or amend them.
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Article VI: Officers

  1. The Association shall have the following Officers:
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Past President
    4. Treasurer
    5. Chair, Collective Bargaining Committee
    6. External Relations Officer
    7. Chair, Grievance Policy & Administration Committee
    8. Salary and Benefits Officer
    9. Chair, Internal Affairs Committee
    10. Chair, Equity Committee
    11. Chair, Nominating & Elections Committee
    12. Instructor Representative
    13. Professional Librarian Representative
  2. The term of office of the President shall be two (2) years. All other officers shall hold office for two years.
  3. The term of the Past President shall be two (2) years commencing immediately following the completion of the term as President. The term of the Past President may be extended if the President is re-elected.
  4. Each Officer shall assume office on July 1 of the year of election and shall be eligible for re-election. The President shall be eligible for re-election but not serve more than two terms in succession.
  5. The President, Vice President and Past President shall not serve as Council representatives of sub-units.
  6. Any of the Officers mentioned in Paragraph (1) of this Article who are not members of Council shall be ex officio voting members of Council.
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Article VII: Committees

  1. There shall be Standing Committees of the Council on:
    1. Collective Bargaining
    2. Finance
    3. Nominations and Elections
    4. Grievance Policy and Administration
    5. Internal Affairs
    6. Equity
  2. The membership and duties of the Standing Committees shall be as outlined in the bylaws.
  3. Standing Committees shall report to Council as per the bylaws or at the request of the committee chair, the President or Council.
  4. The Executive Director or other employees of the Association shall serve as a member (with voice only) of a committee upon request of the Steering Committee.
  5. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees and of all ad hoc committees which Council may establish from time to time.
  6. The members of each Standing Committee including the Chair shall be elected by the Council. Terms of service shall be as outlined in the bylaws.
  7. Each Standing Committee shall meet at the call of its chairperson, or at the call of any two of its members.
  8. Only members of the Association elected by Council shall be permitted to vote at a committee meeting.
  9. A Standing Committee may appoint temporary sub-committees and assign them such duties as it deems advisable.
  10. The Council may establish such ad hoc committees as it may deem advisable.
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Article VIII: General Meetings

  1. There shall be not less than three General Membership Meetings annually: one in April and one following the beginning of each of the fall and winter academic terms.
  2. The President shall call other General Meetings of the Association:
    1. as directed by Council;
    2. as directed by the Steering Committee;
    3. at the written request of fifteen members of the Association.
  3. a. All General Meetings shall include, but not be limited to:
    1. A report by the President;
    2. Reports by any other Officers as deemed necessary by Council; and,
    3. An opportunity for general discussion of these and any other matters raised by members.
  4. b. At the General Meeting in April, the agenda shall also include:
    1. A report by the Treasurer on the financial affairs of the union;
    2. Approval of the annual budget; and,
    3. Approval of changes to membership dues, if any.
  5. At least one week’s notice of any General Meeting of the Association shall be required.
  6. The Vice President shall normally preside at General Meetings of the Association.
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Article IX: Elections and Vacancies


  1. Election of the President, Officers and Council Representatives shall be by simple plurality.
  2. The election of the President and Council Representatives shall be by electronic ballot of eligible members. Polls shall be open for a minimum of forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.
  3. Candidates shall have the opportunity to make a statement to the relevant constituency regarding their candidacy.

Elections and Vacancies – President

  1. Elections for President shall occur prior to the April General Meeting.
  2. Candidates for President shall be nominated from the membership of the Association. Nominations shall be in writing and shall require the signatures of two members of the Association.
  3. All members of the Association shall be eligible to vote for the position of President.
  4. Notice shall be sent to all members of CUASA in February of the year of election informing them of the vacancy and the procedure for nomination.
  5. Should the President be unable to complete their term, the Vice President shall become the President. Should the Vice President be unable, Council shall elect a replacement to complete the term.

Elections and Vacancies – Other Officers

  1. The Council shall elect the Officers of the Association with the exception of the President after the April General Meeting.
  2. The election of the President and the Vice President shall occur in alternating years.
  3. Notice shall be sent to all members of CUASA in February of each year informing them of Officer or Chair vacancies as well as the procedure for nomination. This may be combined with the notice for the Presidential election, if any.
  4. Elections shall take place by secret ballot at a duly constituted Council meeting.
  5. Should an Officer be unable to complete their term, Council shall appoint a replacement. The replacement will serve the remainder of the term of the Officer being replaced.

Elections and Vacancies – Council Representatives

  1. The members of each sub-unit shall elect Council Representatives.
  2. In February of each year, notice shall be sent to the members of units in which there is a Council Representative vacancy. The notice shall inform the members of the vacancy as well as the procedure for nomination.
  3. Each candidate for Council Representative shall be nominated from the membership of the appropriate sub-unit. Nominations shall be signed by two members of the Association in the sub-unit. Only members of the sub-unit shall be eligible to vote.
  4. The sub-unit, through the process in this Article, shall fill vacancies in the position of Council Representative. Sub-units shall be notified of vacancies at least twice per year.

University Committees

  1. The term for members representing CUASA on university committees, with the exception of the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement, shall be two (2) years, beginning on July 1 of the year of appointment. Members may be reappointed.
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Article X: Dues

There shall be an annual fee for membership in the Association which shall normally be collected by monthly payroll deduction. Any change in the membership fee, or the imposition of special general levies, shall be proposed by Council and subject to ratification at a General Meeting of the Association.

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Article XI: Finances

  1. Council shall have charge of the finances of the Association and, subject to such direction as may be given at the April or any other General Meeting, shall authorize all expenditures by approval of the yearly budget.
  2. All money received by the Association shall be deposited to one or several accounts in the Association’s name. The signing officers shall normally be the President, Vice President and the Treasurer, and the signatures of any two of them shall be sufficient authorization for the drawing of funds from such accounts. The disbursement of funds, exceeding certain limits, shall be regulated by bylaw. If one of the normal signing officers is unable to provide this function, the President may designate an alternate from among the Officers of the Association.
  3. The Finance Committee shall draw up a yearly budget, monitor expenses, and recommend membership fees to Council.
  4. The Treasurer shall present a yearly financial report to the April General Meeting, and such other reports as are requested by Council.
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Article XII: Collective Agreement Ratification

  1. Any collective agreements negotiated shall take force only upon ratification in accordance with the relevant provisions of The Ontario Labour Relations Act.
  2. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in The Ontario Labour Relations Act and the Regulations made thereunder, ratification votes shall take place according to the following procedure:
    1. One or more informational meetings to explain and discuss the terms of the proposed collective agreement shall be held, on not less than forty-eight (48) hours’ notice, at least one week prior to any ratification vote.
    2. Ratification votes shall be by secret ballot and shall be open to all members of the bargaining unit.
    3. Regular balloting shall take place over 48 hours but shall not take place on weekends.
    4. Subject to the requirements of The Ontario Labour Relations Act, Council may decide by majority vote of those present to hold a ratification vote either by paper ballot or electronically.
  3. In the ratification of collective agreements, members of a named sub-unit or other clearly distinguishable group of members within the Association shall vote separately on any clause(s) which affects only the named sub- unit(s) or group(s). In such a case, the members of the sub-unit(s) or group(s) shall have the power to veto only the clause(s) affecting solely the named sub-unit(s) or group(s) and shall vote together with all other members of the Association on all matters of common concern.
  4. Except where otherwise provided for in The Ontario Labour Relations Act and Regulations made thereunder, authorization for Association work action of any type shall be granted by a simple majority of members of the Association voting by secret ballot. Council may decide by majority vote of those present to hold a strike or job action vote either by paper ballot or electronically.
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Article XIII: Affiliations

  1. The Association may affiliate with international, national, provincial, and regional organizations for the advancement of the interests of academic staff. Such affiliation or disaffiliation shall be subject to a vote of the members of the Association using, mutatis mutandis, the procedures specified for ratification votes under Article XII(2).
  2. Affiliations with organizations existing at the time that the present Constitution comes into force shall be deemed to have been effected in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII(1).
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Article XIV: Amendments

  1. Council shall give notice in writing of all proposed amendments to this Constitution to all members of the Association on at least two occasions not less than fourteen (14) days apart and an electronic ballot of the members of the Association on proposed amendments shall be conducted not less than fourteen (14) days and no more than twenty-eight (28) days after the second notice. A majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast shall be required to bring the proposed amendments into effect.
  2. A proposal to amend the Constitution requires the endorsement of 15 members of CUASA drawn from at least two faculties and must be submitted in writing to the CUASA office 2 weeks prior to a meeting of Council to be placed on the agenda. Any such proposal shall first be passed by a majority of Council members in order for it to be put to a membership referendum.
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Article XV: Discipline for Misconduct

The Association may discipline members for engaging in misconduct including, but not limited to:

  • Harassment/discrimination;
  • Misappropriation of funds;
  • Encouraging another member to take legal action against the Association before they exhaust internal remedies;
  • Exposing confidential information about the Association;
  • Breaching the confidentiality statement in Appendix A;
  • Contributing to harassing, false, or defamatory comments about members of the Association; and/or
  • Bringing false allegations of harassment or other misconduct without honest belief.

Any member who is found guilty of misconduct contrary to the Association’s goals may be subject to discipline. Forms of discipline include, but are not limited to:

  • Fine for misappropriation of funds;
  • Reprimand;
  • Suspension; or
  • Expulsion.

Members shall only be subject to discipline following a fair investigation, with opportunity for an appeal, in accordance with the Member Conduct Policy.

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As amended April 18, 2024

Bylaw 3: Strike Votes and Strikes

  1. Council shall determine the holding of any strike vote of the membership, normally upon the advice of the Negotiating Team.
  2. Council shall determine the commencement of any authorized strike or collective job action by members, or the end thereto, by a majority vote, normally upon the advice of the Negotiating Team.
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Bylaw 5: Collective Agreements

The Negotiating Team shall present a tentative settlement arising out of collective bargaining with the management of Carleton University to the membership.

Members shall have access to the language of the tentative settlement no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the information meetings at which the settlement is presented.

The Negotiating Team may choose to inform Council of the tentative settlement ahead of the presentation to the membership. Individual members of Council shall be free to express their opposition to any proposed tentative settlement.

Following ratification, the members of the Negotiating Team shall sign the agreement.

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Bylaw 6: Memoranda of Agreement

Memoranda of Agreement on matters pertaining to the interpretation of the collective agreement with Carleton University that deal with individual or group issues are confidential and shall be handled according to the processes established by Council on the advice of the Grievance Policy and Administration Committee.

The Steering Committee and Council shall be informed of Memoranda of Agreement arising from Association grievances.

Memoranda of Agreement shall be signed by three representatives of the Association:

  • the President or Vice President;
  • An Officer of the Association other than the President or Vice President; and,
  • A member of Council not on Steering.
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Bylaw 7: Standing Committees

Collective Bargaining Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Developing the collective bargaining demands for the Collective Agreement between CUASA and Carleton University for approval by Council. This shall include:
    • Providing bargaining-related information to members;
    • Soliciting input from the members on collective bargaining priorities through various methods which may include convening meeting(s) open to all members of CUASA where issues can be raised and discussed, as well as by any other means deemed appropriate;
  • Working with the Negotiating Team on initial proposal language;
  • Supporting the research requirements of the Negotiating Team; and,
  • Recommending to Council measures to build support among CUASA members for the bargaining demands given to the Negotiating Team.


The Committee shall be composed of:

  • Chair, Collective Bargaining Committee (who shall serve as Chief Negotiator);
  • Salary and Benefits Officer;
  • Chair, Grievance Policy and Administration;
  • four (4) other members selected to be broadly representative of the CUASA constituencies;
  • Executive Director (non-voting); and,
  • any other members as deemed necessary by Council.


The Committee shall report to Council as necessary but no less than three times per year (normally prior to the three required General Meetings).

Appointment of Committee Members

Council will elect committee members for two-year terms beginning July 1 of the year of appointment.

Nominations and Elections Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Managing the process for elections to vacant positions on CUASA bodies, for CUASA representatives to University committees and for elected delegates to any organization to which CUASA is affiliated.
  • Ensuring that CUASA members are aware of elections in which they are eligible to participate and of the duties of the vacant positions; and,
  • In the absence of volunteers, encouraging CUASA members to stand as candidates for elected offices.


The Committee shall be composed of:

  • Chair, Nominations and Elections; and,
  • At least two (2) other members selected to be broadly representative of the CUASA constituencies.


The Committee shall report to Council as necessary but no less than three times per year (normally prior to the three required General Meetings).

Appointment of Committee Members

Council will elect committee members for two-year terms beginning July 1 of the year of appointment.

Finance Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Preparing the annual budget;
  • Monitoring income and expenditures;
  • The annual audit of CUASA’s finances;
  • Recommending membership fees to Council; and,
  • Developing and recommending to Council policy on the administration of funds controlled by the Association, including investments.


The Committee shall be composed of:

  • Treasurer;
  • President;
  • Vice President;
  • Executive Director (non-voting);
  • A Council Member not on Steering; and,
  • One other Association member who is not an Officer.


The Committee shall report to Council and Steering at each regular meeting.

Appointment of Committee Members

Council will elect committee members for two-year terms beginning July 1 of the year of appointment.

Grievance Policy and Administration Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Directing of the grievance process in consultation with Association staff;
  • Developing and recommending to Council policy on grievance handling;
  • Approving grievances to be taken to arbitration; and,
  • Advising the Collective Bargaining Committee on grievance issues.


The Committee shall be composed of:

  • Chair, Grievance Policy and Administration Committee;
  • President, CUASA (ex-officio)
  • A minimum of three (3) and no more than six (6) other members of the Association selected to be broadly representative of the CUASA constituencies;
  • The Executive Director (non-voting); and,
  • Senior Grievance and Arbitration Officer (non-voting).


The Committee shall report to Council and Steering at each regular meeting.

Appointment of Committee Members

Council will elect committee members for two-year terms beginning July 1 of the year of appointment as vacancies arise. Ideally, three (3) members will be elected each year, thus ensuring continuity and overlap in committee membership.

Internal Affairs Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Encouraging and facilitating member engagement with the Association;
  • Promoting awareness and discussion of issues affecting CUASA members, including holding workshops and other special events; and,
  • Providing recommendations to Council and other bodies on issues affecting members including, but not limited to, academic freedom and institutional governance.


The Committee shall be composed of:

  • Chair, Internal Affairs Committee;
  • External Relations Officer; and,
  • At least two (2) other members of the Association selected to be broadly representative of the CUASA constituencies.


The Committee shall report to Council as necessary but no less than three times per year (normally prior to the three required General Meetings).

Appointment of Committee Members

Council will elect committee members for two-year terms beginning July 1 of the year of appointment.

Equity Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Consulting with members, particularly those from equity seeking groups, on equity issues;
  • Promoting awareness and understanding of equity issues among CUASA members;
  • Working collaboratively with other organizations to address equity issues;
  • Representing CUASA on relevant university-level committees pertaining to equity issues; and,
  • Working collaboratively with other CUASA committees where equity-related issues arise.


The Committee shall be composed of:

  • Chair, Equity Committee; and,
  • At least two (2) other members of the Association selected to be as representative as possible of the various equity seeking groups.


The Committee shall report to Council as necessary but no less than three times per year (normally prior to the three required General Meetings).

Appointment of Committee Members

Council will elect committee members for two-year terms beginning July 1 of the year of appointment.

Investigatory Council

The Investigatory Council shall be responsible for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities identified in the CUASA Member Conduct Policy.

Appeals Council

The Appeals Council shall be responsible for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities identified in the CUASA Member Conduct Policy.

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Bylaw 8: Duties of Officers

  1. President
    1. Act as the principal spokesperson and leader of the Association in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws and Policies of the Association;
    2. Work to protect and advance the interests of the Association;
    3. Serve as a member of the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement;
    4. Chairs the Steering Committee;
    5. Coordinate the efforts of the Council, Steering and membership to achieve the objectives of the Association;
    6. Report at each regular meeting of Steering and Council; and,
    7. Transact any other business as may be required by the office of the President and which may be necessary for the proper functioning of the Association.
  2. Vice President
    1. Assist the President in carrying out his or her duties;
    2. Normally chair Council and General meetings;
    3. Serve as a member of the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement; and,
    4. Normally perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  3. Past President
    1. Serve as a member of the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement; and,
    2. Advises the President on the conduct of his/her office.
  4. Treasurer
    1. Chair the Finance Committee;
    2. Oversee administration of the finances of the Association;
    3. With Association staff and the Finance Committee, monitor the current budget and prepare annually a draft budget for the coming year;
    4. Make regular reports to the Steering Committee and Council on the status of the Association’s finances;
    5. Present an account of the Association’s finances at each April General Meeting; and,
    6. Work with Association staff to maintain the financial accounts of the Association.
  5. External Relations Officer
    1. Normally represents CUASA at meetings of CAUT, CAUT Defence Fund, NUCAUT and the OCUFA Board of Directors;
    2. May attend and/or find other members of CUASA to attend flying pickets called by the CAUT Defence Fund; and,
    3. Make reports to Council as necessary but no less than three times per year.
  6. Salary and Benefits Officer
    1. Serve as a member of the Collective Bargaining Committee;
    2. Advise the Association and its members on matters relating to salary and benefits; and,
    3. With Association staff, advise job candidates on initial salary negotiations; and,
    4. Make reports to Council as necessary.
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Bylaw 9: Academic Sub-Units

For the purpose of Council representation, as defined in Article IV of the Constitution, the academic sub-units of the University are as follows:

the Schools of Architecture and Industrial Design;
the School for Studies in Art and Culture;
the Department of Biology;
the Sprott School of Business;
the School of Canadian Studies and Institute of Women’s & Gender Studies
the Department of Chemistry
the School of Computer Science
the Department of Earth Sciences;
the Department of Economics;
the Departments of Electronics and Civil Engineering;
the Department of English;
the Department of French;
the Department of Geography;
the Department of History;
the College of Humanities/Religion/Greek and Roman Studies;
the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs and EURUS;
the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies;
the School of Journalism & Communications;
the Department of Law and Legal Studies;
the Library;
the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies;
the School of Mathematics and Statistics;
the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering;
the Department of Philosophy;
the Department of Physics;
the Department of Political Science and Institute of Political Economy;
the Department of Psychology;
the School of Public Policy & Administration;
the School of Social Work;
the Department of Sociology and Anthropology;
the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering; and
Instructor employees.

This list shall be updated as required by the Constitution. Such updates shall not require Council approval.

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Bylaw 11: Alternates and Proxies


Council members shall have the right to name alternates who are members of the Association from the same sub-unit to attend one or more Council meetings on their behalf.

The Council chairperson must be notified in writing prior to the commencement of the meeting(s) in question.

Alternates shall have all the rights of a Council member for the meeting(s) in which they are an alternate.

Officers of the Association shall not have the right to name alternates except in their capacity, if any, as a representative to Council of a sub-unit.


Proxy voting on any matter before Council shall be allowed provided that:

  1. the proxy is received in writing by the Council chairperson in time to be tallied in the vote count on the question at issue; and,
  2. provided the written submission of the proxy vote identifies the issue concerned with sufficient particularity to allow certainty concerning the meaning of the vote.

Officers of the Association shall have the same proxy rights as other Council members.

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Bylaw 14: Indemnity for Officers

Every director, officer or other person undertaking any action or liability on behalf of the Association, either within the scope of her/his office or with the express authority of the Association, shall be indemnified and saved harmless out of the funds of the Association from and against:

  1. any and all costs, charges and expenses sustained or incurred in relation to the affairs of the Association, and
  2. any and all costs, charges, damages, and expenses sustained or incurred with respect to any action, suit or proceeding brought against her/him for any act or thing done or permitted by her/him in the execution of her/his duties, unless such costs, charges, damages or expenses are occasioned by her/his own willful neglect or default.
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Bylaw 17: Official and Backup Versions of the Constitution, Bylaws and Ongoing Motions

The official version of the Constitution, Bylaws and Ongoing Council Motions shall be the one posted on the CUASA website. It shall be updated with changes from the revised minutes as soon as possible after the meeting at which the revised minutes are accepted. After each updating an electronic backup copy shall be made for safe keeping. Backup copies shall not be altered.

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Bylaw 18: Staffing

Council shall be responsible for appointing a committee to negotiate a collective agreement between CUASA and the union representing CUASA’s employees. Council shall also be responsible for ratifying said collective agreement.

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Bylaw 19: Reporting

Delegates to Affiliated Organizations

Members serving as delegates to affiliates shall be required to:

  1. Submit a brief written report to the President following meetings of the affiliate to which they are a delegate; and,
  2. Where practical, consult in advance with Council regarding significant issues to be raised at meetings.

Representatives on University Committees

Members representing the Association on university committees shall be required to submit a written report to Council no less than once a year on the activities of the committee.

Conference Attendees

Members sponsored by the Association to attend conferences shall submit a written report to Council following the conference.

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Bylaw 20: Council Meetings and Voting

  1. The Chair of Council shall make every effort to ensure that voting takes place under conditions allowing for full and fruitful debate.
  2. A majority of the Steering Committee may decide to hold a council meeting in person or virtually and/or to allow for secure electronic voting.
  3. If a secure electronic vote is held, the Chair of Council shall provide instructions to Council members regarding the rules of debate and the methods of voting. The outcome of a secure electronic vote shall be recorded in a manner similar to that of an in-person vote.
  4. The Chair of Council shall announce the results of a vote to Council as soon as is possible after the conclusion of voting. How council members voted shall be kept confidential unless an audit is required.
  5. Any electronic vote will normally remain open for at least 24 hours. Electronic voting shall not take place on weekends.
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Bylaw 20(A): General Membership Meetings and Voting

  1. By a majority vote, the Steering Committee may decide whether to hold general membership meetings in person or virtually, and whether to allow for electronic voting of the membership.
  2. If a secure electronic vote is held, the Chair of Council shall provide instructions to all members regarding the rules of debate and the methods of voting. The outcome of a secure electronic vote shall be recorded in a manner similar to that of an in-person vote.
  3. The Chair of Council shall make every effort to ensure that voting takes place under conditions allowing for full and fruitful debate and shall announce the results of a vote to Council as soon as is possible after the conclusion of voting. How members voted shall be kept confidential unless an audit is required.
  4. Any electronic vote will normally remain open for at least 24 hours. Voting shall not take place on weekends.
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Bylaw 22: Special Rules of Order Not Specified Elsewhere

  1. Meeting agenda
    1. The normal order of business for a Council meeting shall be:
      Call to order
      Introductions (if new members are present)
      Adoption of agenda
      Corrections to / approval of minutes
      Unfinished business (itemized)
      Items arising (discussed here or later in the agenda at the discretion of the Chair)
      President’s report and questions
      Committee business (motions) and question period
      – Standing committees (Collective Bargaining, Finance, Nominations and Elections, Grievance Policy and Administration, Internal Affairs, Equity)
      – Other officers, conference attendees, and ad-hoc committees
      Business Arising from Units
      New Business
    2. The chair shall allocate and enforce time for each item on the agenda (which does not preclude the right of Council to further limit or extend time, by a simple majority vote).
    3. Steering shall distribute the meeting agenda and each committee’s or officer’s report to Council at least 48 hours prior to each Council meeting.
    4. Officers and committees that submit written reports to Council will be allocated time on the agenda for questions and motions. Motions and issues not contained in advance reports may be raised under New business.
    5. Council meetings shall adjourn at or before two hours.
  2. Speeches in debate are limited to two speeches of two minutes each per member.
  3. Members shall raise their hands to be recognized and may speak from a seated position if it is more comfortable to do so.
  4. Quorum in general membership meetings shall be the number of persons present at the time. If
    that number is less than the size of Council, all new decisions made at the meeting will be automatically reconsidered at the next general meeting except for budget considerations or a matter deemed urgent by the Chair.
  5. Quorum for an electronic vote is automatically met. Non-voters will be deemed to have abstained.
  6. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or Bylaws, meetings may be held either in person or virtually.
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